Monday, November 03, 2008

We got the tricks.

Suffice to say that Vivi was NOT impressed with Halloween.

But damn, did she look cute...

And then there was Husband... confirming that I am, indeed, the luckiest damn woman on the planet. He's hot AND he volunteers to carry the angry near-toddler. THAT, my friends, is a mighty fine man.


ccw said...

Nonami was doing those moves when we tried to put the robot head on him. We ended up leaving it off leading many to ask what he was or if he was a gas pump.

Lady Liberal said...

Hey, that's actually a great costume... a gas pump! He's not a fussy toddler, he's just really politically relevant for his age!

Stephanie said...

Bless the stars for husbands who carry angry children! We are lucky wives, indeed :)